Addiction Recovery 
Dual Diagnosis Detox

When a person struggles from a dual diagnosis disorder in the context of addiction treatment, it means they are struggling with a substance abuse disorder and an underlying mental illness. At Guardian Recovery we specialize in dual diagnosis detox, providing each of our clients with a combination of evidence-based detox methods, medication assisted treatment options, behavioral therapies and psychiatric services. Our team of industry professionals have combined decades of experience treating addiction and mental health, providing a program of recovery that focuses on more than physical stabilization and a safe, pain-free withdrawal. If you or someone you love has been suffering from a dual diagnosis disorder, we are available to help. Contact us today to learn more about mental health treatment in the context of medically monitored detox.

Why Mental Health Disorders & Addiction Co-Occur

According to an article published by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, roughly half of all Americans who have been diagnosed with a mental illness simultaneously struggle with substance abuse. Because these two issues so frequently occur together it can be difficult to tell which preceded the other. This is why getting sober is so important for an accurate mental health diagnosis. It can be very difficult to tell what is going on when a person has been abusing a chemical substance, seeing as the symptoms associated with addiction and withdrawal can mimic the symptoms of mental illness. Why do these two issues often occur together? There are three predominant reasons.

  1. Both addiction and mental illness share common risk factors – These include genetic predisposition, high stress levels, environmental factors, childhood neglect or abuse and other types of unresolved trauma.
  2. Mental illness often leads to self-medication – A person who is struggling with an anxiety disorder might turn to alcohol in order to calm their nerves and avoid panic attacks. A person who is struggling with depression might start taking a stimulant drug in order to get out of bed in the morning. However, chemical substances only exacerbate the symptoms of underlying mental illness in the long run.
  3. Abusing a chemical substance for a prolonged period of time can lead to the development of a mental illness – Over time, chemical substances dramatically change the way the brain operates and processes information. If a person abuses a substance for long enough they can develop a mental illness like anxiety or depression.

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Diagnosing Mental Health Disorders

In order for treatment to be effective both conditions must be addressed at the same time. Until recently, mental illness and addiction were treated separately — one in a psychiatric hospital and one in a drug and alcohol rehab. It was soon discovered that in order for treatment to be effective long-term all existing disorders had to be treated simultaneously. At Guardian Recovery’s Tampa Addiction Center we have several psychiatric professionals on staff who are available to conduct mental health assessments for those who are still exhibiting symptoms of mental illness after they have been physically stabilized.

Dual Diagnosis detox

Our Dual Diagnosis Services

At Guardian Recovery we offer several dual diagnosis treatment services. Research has found the most effective treatment for co-occurring disorders of any kind is a combination of medication and behavioral therapy. The majority of these treatment options are delivered in a higher level of care like residential inpatient treatment or intensive outpatient treatment. However, at Guardian Recovery we believe mental and emotional healing should begin as early as medical detox. We offer several dual diagnosis treatment services based on this philosophy.

The Services We Offer in Addition to a Safe, Pain-Free Withdrawal Are:

  • Psychiatric & Addiction Assessments – Upon admission to our medical detox program each client undergoes an addiction assessment which helps the clinical team determine which detox methods are going to be the most effective. Once the system has cleared and the symptoms of acute withdrawal have predominantly subsided, a psychiatric professional conducts a personalized and in-depth assessment. The entire clinical team goes over the results of each individual assessment in depth, tailoring a unique treatment plan for each client based on their needs.
  • Behavioral Therapies – At Guardian Recovery we offer individual, group and family therapy sessions. Depending on the current caseload and the length of their stay, clients have access to at least one individual therapy session, at least one family therapy session and several group therapy sessions. Our therapeutic professionals utilize a range of evidence-based methodologies including cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy and relapse prevention training. To learn more about any of the therapeutic methods we offer, contact us today.
  • Case Management Services – Each client is assigned a case manager who communicates with the clinical team and with the psychiatric professional who is treating the client. The case manager serves as a client advocate and helps each client develop and commit to personal treatment goals. They also serve as the main point of contact between the clinical team and the client’s loved ones, keeping them informed of progress and potential aftercare plans.
  • Aftercare Planning – Following detox our case managers help clients make the transition from medical detox into a dual diagnosis appropriate treatment program. Guardian Recovery residential inpatient programs are capable of taking dual diagnosis clients, however, if a client opts to go to a center outside of our network our case managers help make the transition as easy as possible.

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(888) 693-1585

Maintaining Mental Health in Early Recovery

Maintaining mental health in early recovery is critical to the maintenance of sobriety. If a person fails to address underlying mental health concerns as they get sober, there is a good chance the symptoms of their mental illness will eventually lead them back to substance use. The opposite is also true; if a person seeks help for a mental illness and fails to address a co-occurring substance abuse disorder, they often skip medication, fail to show up to therapy and eventually find themselves right back where they started. If you or your loved one has been struggling with substance abuse and mental health it is usually a good idea to transition into a higher level of care as soon as the detox process has concluded. This ensures the healing process continues and relapse is successfully avoided.

In Order to Maintain Mental Health We Suggest:

  • Working with our case managers while in detox to develop a thorough aftercare plan which might include transitioning into a higher level of care.
  • Following up with a psychiatric professional in order to make sure prescribed medications are still working the way they are supposed to.
  • Continuing with individual therapy, which allows you or your loved one to dive deeper into underlying issues and other factors which might have led to the development of the addictive disorder or mental health condition.
  • Committing to total abstinence. A return to drug or alcohol use is a sure-fire way to backtrack on any progress made regarding mental health.

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  • Individual Focus

  • Caring & Experienced Staff

  • Homestyle Retreat

  • Fully Licensed & Accredited 

Don’t Suffer Any Longer

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We understand those who are grappling with an addiction and a mental illness often have a difficult time committing to recovery on their own. In many cases, they require the support and encouragement of their loved ones along with the advocacy of the treatment team who is preparing to help them. At Guardian Recovery we are available to walk you and your loved one through every single step of the early recovery process, from admissions through aftercare. As soon as you contact us, we set to work developing a plan for your admission (or your loved one’s admission). We begin with a brief pre-assessment, work through potential coverage options and set up reliable local transportation to our Largo, Florida detox center. We look forward to speaking with you and helping you get started on the path to recovery.