End The Cycle of Addiction
Synthetic Drug Detox

Are you or a loved one considering a synthetic drug detox? At Guardian Recvoery, we recognize how painful drug withdrawal can be. The symptoms often are the first major hurdle one must cross to seek a life in recovery. Seeking a medically-assisted detox can help an individual get on the path to freedom. At our Tampa Addiction Center we specialize in helping individuals have a pain-free and comfortable withdrawal. Then, we help lay the foundation for continued recovery.

Synthetic Drug Abuse

Over the course of the past decade, rates of synthetic drug abuse have been on the rise throughout the US. According to the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America, synthetic drugs were first reported in the country in December of 2008, when a shipment of the synthetic cannabinoid “spice” was seized in Dayton, Ohio. Since then synthetic drug abuse has become more and more common, especially among adolescents and young adults. This type of chemical substance is most commonly produced illegally in a clandestine laboratory, and is designed to mimic the effects of existing illicit substances like cannabis or methamphetamine.

There are two predominant types of synthetic drugs:

  • Synthetic cannabinoids – The most common street names for synthetic cannabinoids are “spice” and “K2.” These drugs were developed to mimic the fact of THC, the active substance in marijuana. However, the effects of synthetic cannabinoids can be extremely unpredictable and often lead to serious psychological complications.
  • Synthetic stimulants or cathinones – The most frequently abused synthetic stimulant drug is Bath Salts. Synthetic stimulants are designed to mimic the effects of illicit stimulant drugs like methamphetamine, cocaine and LSD.

Because synthetic drugs are relatively new to the US and because their effects have not yet been studied in depth, it is difficult to predict their long-term consequences. However, it is understood that both synthetic cannabinoids and synthetic stimulants can result in a wide range of serious mental and physical health concerns. The American Association of Poison Control Centers reported that in 2009, the 57 poison control centers throughout the country began receiving calls linked to synthetic drug abuse. In the year 2010 they received a total of 2,915 calls, and from January 1 to September 30 of 2011 they received 5,083 calls. By the year 2015 the AAPCC, the annual rate of emergency calls had climbed to 7,779. Clearly synthetic drug abuse is an escalating issue – partially because these drugs have not been illegalized and they are easily accessible to adolescents and young adults. If you or someone close to you has been experimenting with synthetic drugs, seeking professional treatment is extremely important. At Guardian Recovery our team of dedicated professionals have developed a comprehensive program of synthetic drug detox that tackles the physical and mental consequences simultaneously.

We Are Here For You

Let Us Help You Heal

Our Synthetic Drug detoxification experience is second to none.

Learn how we can help by speaking with one of our Treatment Advisors today.

Symptoms Associated with Synthetic Drug Abuse

Symptoms associated with synthetic drug abuse vary depending on several factors, including:

  • What type of synthetic drug (cannabinoid or stimulant) was being abused 
  • The severity and duration of the substance abuse disorder 
  • Whether or not the individual was suffering from a pre-existing mental or physical health condition

Common symptoms associated with synthetic cannabinoid abuse include:

  • Elevated mood
  • Erratic behavior 
  • Agitation and angry or violent outbursts
  • An altered perception of space and time 
  • A detachment from reality 
  • Delusional thinking 
  • Extreme anxiety and panic attacks 
  • Confusion and disorientation 
  • Paranoia (a severe mistrust of other people)
  • Auditory and visual hallucinations

Common symptoms associated with synthetic stimulant/cathinone abuse include:

  • An increased sex drive 
  • A significant spike in body temperature 
  • Increased sociability and talkativeness
  • Severe anxiety and panic attacks 
  • Extreme agitation 
  • Unpredictable and erratic behavior
  • Violent outbursts 
  • Paranoia 
  • Auditory and visual hallucinations 

Synthetic drugs can be highly addictive. If you or someone you love has been abusing a synthetic cannabinoid or cathinone for any length of time, seeking professional help is necessary. Call us today for more information.

Synthetic Drug Withdrawal

Symptoms associated with synthetic drug withdrawal are largely psychological in nature. For this reason, we offer an integrated detox program that focuses on mental health as well as physical stabilization. We provide around-the-clock medical care and effectively treat symptoms the moment they arise.

Common symptoms associated with synthetic drug withdrawal include:

  • Psychological symptoms associated with anxiety and depression 
  • Paranoia 
  • Insomnia and other sleep disturbances 
  • Extreme fatigue 
  • Persistent headaches 
  • Loss of appetite
  • Body tremors and uncontrollable shaking 
  • Difficulting concentrating 
  • Intense drug cravings 
  • Rapid heart rate and heart palpitations 
  • Chest pains
  • Breathing difficulties 
  • Seizures, in very extreme cases 

The duration and severity of withdrawal depends on which substance was being abused and for how long. Men and women who have underlying mental health concerns are more likely to experience severe psychological symptoms, which must be monitored and medicated in a safe and structured detox facility.

Ready To Begin Your Synthetic Drug Detox?

We Offer A Safe & Effective Program

Don’t let Synthetic Drug addiction control your life.
Call us today and let’s get you started on the path to a better you.

(888) 693-1585

Is Medically Monitored Detox Necessary?

Because symptoms associated with synthetic drug withdrawal are so unpredictable, medically monitored detox is always a necessary first step on the road to recovery. Most men and women who have been engaging in synthetic drug abuse require psychiatric intervention. Upon admission to our individualized detox program each client undergoes an in-depth physical, psychiatric and psychosocial assessment. This assessment helps us develop a personalized treatment plan – in the case of synthetic drug abuse, this plan typically includes medication assisted treatment, intensive therapeutic intervention, psychiatric care and any other detox services that are deemed necessary.

Treatment options vary on a case-by-case basis, and there are no medications that are used specifically for the alleviation of synthetic drug withdrawal symptoms. At Guardian Recovery we often utilize antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications to help reduce the more severe psychological symptoms, in combination with over-the-counter pain relievers and non-narcotic sleep aids. We also offer a range of therapeutic and recovery-related services including case management, 12-step program involvement, individual, group and family therapy, relapse prevention training and aftercare planning.

Our Simple and Straightforward Admission Process

At Guardian Recovery we stand by the belief that effective and professional medical detox services should be readily available to those in need. We understand how  devastating synthetic drug abuse can be, and we are available to provide men and women with the integrated introduction to recovery they need in order to maintain continued success in sobriety.

Begin Healing Now!

Have A Call With One Of Our Treatment Advisors

  • Individual Focus

  • Caring & Experienced Staff

  • Homestyle Retreat

  • Fully Licensed & Accredited 

Don’t Suffer Any Longer

We’ll Call You

The moment you or your loved one gives us a call we begin by conducting an over-the-phone evaluation which can easily be completed in a few short minutes. We simply ask a series of pertinent questions, including, “What type of synthetic drugs have you or has your loved one been abusing?” “Are any other chemical substances being used on a regular basis?” “Are you aware of any substance abuse in your immediate family?” These questions help our clinical and medical team determine which detox methods are going to be the most beneficial to each individual case. Once we have a personalized treatment plan in place, we begin exploring potential options for coverage. At Guardian Recovery we work with most major regional and national health insurance providers, meaning if you or your loved one is currently insured there is a good chance that some or all of our detox services are covered partially or in full. If you would like to learn more, call us today for a free, no obligation health insurance benefit check.

Once the evaluation is complete and coverage has been determined we set a date and a time for intake and help arrange safe and reliable transportation. To get started or to learn more about our comprehensive and highly individualized program of synthetic drug detox contact us today.