Time To End The Addiction
Marijuana Detox

Are you or someone you love considering a marijuana detox? Because marijuana is such a commonly used recreational drug — and because it was recently legalized throughout a number of states across the U.S. — many individuals believe that this specific chemical substance is essentially harmless and that dependence cannot occur. The truth is that marijuana can be extremely habit-forming, and that many men and women develop marijuana use disorders and experience severe withdrawal symptoms when they attempt to quit on their own. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it is estimated that one out of every 10 marijuana users eventually develops a physical and psychological dependence. Most individuals who develop a marijuana use disorder eventually try to quit on their own – however, the vast majority of these men and women are unsuccessful in doing so. This is because psychological marijuana cravings can be especially intense, and very often lead to a relapse before the detox process has come to a close.

At Guardian Recovery we offer marijuana detox services carried out in a safe, structured and substance-free environment. If you or someone you love has been struggling with a marijuana use disorder, we are available to help. Our comprehensive marijuana detox program offers a level of integrated clinical care that cannot be found in any traditional hospital setting or state-funded detox facility. At our Tampa Addiction Center we focus on providing our clients more than a pain-free withdrawal process. We are dedicated to paving the road for continued success in sobriety, helping our clients enter into a lifelong program of recovery.

Is Marijuana Addictive?

The majority of marijuana users are able to use the drug recreationally without ever developing a dependence. However, recent data collected by the National Institute on Drug Abuse suggests that nearly 30 percent of all regular marijuana users develop a marijuana use disorder over time. The study suggests that men and women who begin using marijuana before the age of 18 are up to seven times more likely to develop a marijuana use disorder later on in life. It is estimated that 9 percent of all marijuana users become dependent, but that this number jumps to 17 percent when people begin using the drug at some point during their teens. The number of people who seek professional treatment for marijuana abuse and dependence remains exceptionally low. While there were 4 million cases of marijuana use disorder reported in the year 2015, only about 138,000 voluntarily sought treatment.

We Are Here For You

Let Us Help You Heal

Our Marijuana detoxification experience is second to none.

Learn how we can help by speaking with one of our Treatment Advisors today.

Marijuana dependence is characterized by a range of related symptoms, the most notable being the onset of withdrawal symptoms when marijuana use is stopped abruptly. These symptoms have been known to last up to two full weeks when left untreated. If you or someone you love has been abusing marijuana and has little success quitting without professional intervention, Guardian Recovery is available to help.

Marijuana Abuse & Addiction
Signs & Symptoms

According to an article published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence titled, “A multidimensional assessment of the validity and utility of alcohol use disorder severity as determined by item response theory models,” marijuana use disorder can vary in severity.

The following indicator helps determine the severity of physical and psychological dependence:

  • Mild marijuana use disorder: The individual suffers from two or three associated symptoms.
  • Moderate marijuana use disorder: The individual suffers from four or five associated symptoms.
  • Severe marijuana use disorder: The individual suffers from six or more associated symptoms.

Common symptoms associated with marijuana dependence include:

  • Experiencing difficulty when it comes to cutting back on marijuana use or attempting to quit altogether.
  • Using more marijuana than intended for a longer period of time than intended.
  • Experiencing intense psychological cravings.
  • Continuing to use marijuana despite a range of personal consequences.
  • Experiencing problems at school, at work or at home as a direct result of excessive marijuana use.
  • A lack of motivation to fulfill personal obligations or participate in recreational activities that were previously enjoyed.
  • Developing a physical tolerance over time.
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when marijuana use is suddenly stopped.

Marijuana Withdrawal Symptoms

Symptoms commonly associated with marijuana withdrawal include:

  • A loss of appetite 
  • Mood swings, typically characterized by irritability and aggression
  • Restlessness and an inability to sit still
  • Insomnia and other sleep-related issues
  • Severe headaches 
  • An inability to focus or concentrate 
  • Cold sweats and chills 
  • Gastrointestinal issues, like nausea and stomach cramping 
  • Feelings of deep sadness or malaise 
  • Intense psychological marijuana cravings 

Symptoms of marijuana withdrawal are generally not life-threatening, and medical complications rarely occur. However, it is never a good idea to attempt to detox in an at-home setting. The psychological drug cravings that go hand-in-hand with marijuana detox often prevent individuals from staying clean for an extended period of time.

Ready To Begin Your Marijuana Detox?

We Offer A Safe & Effective Program

Don’t let Marijuana addiction control your life.
Call us today and let’s get you started on the path to a better you.

(888) 693-1585

Is Medical Detox Necessary For Marijuana Addiction?

Contrary to popular belief, marijuana use disorders to warrant a short-term stay at a medically monitored detox center. This is not because the physical symptoms associated with marijuana withdrawal are life-threatening – it is because the psychological symptoms can be so severe, and because drug cravings often lead to relapse. If you or someone you love has been struggling with a marijuana use disorder, Guardian Recovery is available to help. We focus on treating all physical symptoms the moment they arise while paying close attention to all psychological symptoms. A combination of individual and group therapy, 12-step program involvement, relapse prevention training and pharmacological intervention is often the most effective when it comes to treating marijuana withdrawal.

Marijuana Detox
Treatment Options

At our Tampa Addiction Center we offer a combination of effective marijuana detox treatment options, which generally focus on psychotherapy, 12-step program involvement and the use of several non-narcotic medications – like over-the-counter pain relievers and naturally derived sleep aids. In the case of extreme psychological symptoms we might prescribe a short course of antipsychotic medication, though this is rarely necessary. The treatment methods we use vary significantly on a case-to-case basis. Upon admission to our program each client undergoes an in-depth evaluation, which helps us determine which treatment options are going to be the most effective.

Begin Healing Now!

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  • Individual Focus

  • Caring & Experienced Staff

  • Homestyle Retreat

  • Fully Licensed & Accredited 

Don’t Suffer Any Longer

We’ll Call You

Begin Your Journey of Healing Today

At Guardian Recovery we are available to walk you through every single step of the early recovery process, remaining dedicated to making your experience as simple and straightforward as possible from start to finish. The moment you or your loved one gives us a call, we begin by conducting a brief and non-invasive pre-assessment over the phone. We ask a series of simple questions, including, “How long have you been using marijuana?” “How much marijuana do you tend to smoke on an average day?” “Have you been combining marijuana with any other chemical substances?” The answers to these questions help our clinical and medical team determine which detox services are going to be the most beneficial to each unique case. Once the pre-assessment is complete we begin exploring coverage options. At our Tampa Addiction Center we work closely with most major regional and national providers in order to make our services as accessible as possible. We offer a free, no obligation health insurance benefit check to those who are currently insured. If you or your loved one is uninsured, we offer a variety of other options including self-pay and private pay. Finally, we set up a date and a time for intake and help you nail down safe and reliable transportation whenever necessary. We offer any additional questions you may have and ensure that you or your loved one knows exactly what to expect from our marijuana detox program.

If you or your loved one has been suffering at the hands of a marijuana use disorder for any length of time, Guardian Recovery is available to help. To get started or for more information on our comprehensive and highly individualized program of medical detox contact us today.