Guardian Recovery Addiction Treatment
Self-Pay Options for Detox

Are you wondering if there are self-pay options for detox and addiction treatment?

Active addiction is a disease of denial and defensiveness. The majority of men and women who suffer at the hands of substance abuse and dependence for years consistently refuse the professional help they so clearly need. Every once in a while, however, the consequences associated with active addiction become too much to bear and a small window of willingness presents itself. At Guardian Recovery we are available to help you or your loved one take advantage of this willingness by making our admissions process as simple and uncomplicated as possible from start to finish.

One of the biggest factors that stands in the way of adequate addiction treatment is the stress and misconception that goes hand-in-hand with covering the cost of clinical care. Many people mistakenly believe that medical detox is both inaccessible and unaffordable — that in order to undergo a safe and pain-free withdrawal, they must check into a crowded hospital or wait outside of a state-funded detox for several days until a bed opens up. This is not the case. At Guardian Recovery we offer self-pay options for detox. And we offer a comprehensive and highly individualized program of medically monitored detox that is centered around client comfort and continued success in sobriety. We also believe that the highest level of care should be readily available to those in need. For this reason we offer a range of coverage options. In addition to working closely with most major regional and national health insurance providers, we offer additional coverage options like self-pay and private pay. Our main priority is getting you or your loved one admitted as quickly and easily as possible, and working to put an end to the vicious cycle of addiction once and for all.

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Self-Pay Options for Detox

At Guardian Recovery we understand that active addiction often strips even the most financially responsible people of their ability to focus on anything other than obtaining, using and recovering from the effects of their substance of choice. More often than not, addiction renders people incapable of keeping up with financial obligations, saving money and tending to the monthly premiums required by many health insurance companies. If you or your loved one is currently uninsured or underinsured, there are additional coverage options available — the most viable often being self-pay. Self-pay essentially refers to covering treatment out-of-pocket. According to an article published by Consumer Reports, covering healthcare costs out-of-pocket might be a good idea even for those who are currently insured — self-pay could potentially end up saving you money if you are currently working with a high-deductible plan. We understand that working through the finer details can seem overwhelming, and that after coping with months or years of active addiction you likely want to sit back and let someone else take the reins. The good news is that at Guardian Recovery we are readily available to do just that. Contact us today and we will help you determine the best coverage option for your unique case.

When is Self-Pay a Good Option for Detox?

In most cases, self-pay is the most logical option when you or your loved one requires a specialized detox program that your current insurance plan does not fully cover. Self-pay options for detox are also ideal for those who have no insurance coverage available or for those who have already maxed out the allotted addiction treatment portion of their plan. Regardless of what your current coverage and financial circumstances are, we work closely alongside you and your loved one to ensure that he or she receives professional and effective addiction treatment as efficiently as possible.

Private Pay Options

At Guardian Recovery we offer a number of self-pay and private pay options, which include the following. For more information on covering our medical detox program or to get started contact us today.

  • Seek out a personal loan from a close friend or relative who is supportive of your recovery journey – This can be somewhat difficult, seeing as active addiction and burning all available bridges often go hand-in-hand. There is a good chance that you or your loved one made the same commitments previously, only to back out at the last minute or leave medical detox or inpatient treatment against medical advice. However, if this marks the first time in recovery, you or your loved one might have access to a financially capable friend or relative who is willing to offer a personal – and interest-free – loan. Make some phone calls and ask around, and rest assured that if a personal loan is not an option there are plenty of alternatives.
  • Seek out a personal medical loan from a financial establishment – According to Forbes Advisor, a medical loan is a specific type of personal loan that is exclusively allotted to healthcare services. Most medical loans are unsecured, and are available through banks or online lenders (an unsecured loan refers to a loan that is not reliant on any kind of collateral). In order to take out a personal medical loan, however, you or your loved one will need to have a relatively good credit score. As previously mentioned, active addiction compromises the ability to keep up with payments, meaning that a personal medical loan might not be a viable option if extensive financial damage has been done.
  • Look into acquiring a secured medical loan – The main difference between a personal medical loan and a secured medical loan is that secured loans require some form of collateral. If you fail to repay the loan in a timely manner, the lender (usually a bank or credit union) has the ability to take ownership of whatever collateral you decide to use (a car or a home, for example). There are also many benefits to opting for a secured loan rather than a personal loan, like more competitive rates and the amount you are able to borrow.

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  • Speak to one of our staff members about potential payment options, like sliding scale options or payment plans – We understand how comprehensively devastating active addiction can be. At Guardian Recovery we remain committed to making our medical detox program as accessible as possible to men and women of all ages who have been suffering at the hands of a life-threatening substance abuse disorder. For this reason we offer a variety of additional options, from sliding scale options to payment plans. Payment plans are available to help clients avoid covering the entire program up-front – they are able to cover treatment over an extended period of time.

Call us today and inquire about additional coverage options. At Guardian Recovery we are available 24/7 to answer any related questions you may have. Contact us today for more information on self-pay options or to get yourself or your loved one started on his or her personal journey of comprehensive healing.

Addiction Treatment – An Immeasurable Value

Many men and women avoid seeking the professional treatment they so desperately need simply because they believe they cannot cover the cost of medical detox or inpatient treatment. However, it is important to seriously consider the value. Active addiction not only depletes you of any financial security you might be clinging to, but it robs you of countless opportunities and renders you incapable of fulfilling personal obligations or remaining consistent in productivity levels. The value of entering into a program of recovery is truly immeasurable. You gain your life back entirely over a short period of time, so long as you remain committed to staying sober. You replenish your depleted bank account over time, and work towards financial security and independence. Is recovery worth it? Absolutely. Without question.

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If you are ready to begin your own personal journey of recovery – or if you would like to help your loved one get started – contact us today. We are standing by 24/7 to answer any additional questions and help facilitate the process in any way we can.