Addiction Recovery Questions
Hydrocodone & Opioid Painkillers

Hydrocodone is an opioid analgesic painkiller, used for the short-term treatment of moderate or severe pain or a particularly persistent cough. Hydrocodone is frequently combined with acetaminophen, a non-narcotic, over-the-counter pain reliever. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, “The combination of Contact us or other products helps to prevent its recreational use and administration by injection.” Despite this fact, hydrocodone and other opioid painkillers are widely misused. Widespread prescription painkiller misuse began in the mid-1990s, when pain medications were developed and sold by major pharmaceutical companies who poured millions of dollars into aggressive marketing campaigns. Medications like hydrocodone and Contact us were pitched as entirely safe and non-addictive, and medical professionals across the country began prescribing them to treat pain-related issues of all types and severities. By the time it was discovered these medications were highly addictive and ineffective as long-term treatment options, it was essentially too late — millions of Americans had developed opioid use disorders.

At Guardian Recovery we understand how easy it can be to fall into a vicious cycle of substance use, and hope rapidly hydrocodone dependence can develop. Because the symptoms associated with Contact us can be so severe, many people continue using simply to avoid physical and psychological discomfort. We provide our clients with a safe and comfortable hydrocodone withdrawal while actively preparing them to take the next appropriate step on their personal journeys of addiction recovery. To learn more about hydrocodone misuse and recovery, contact us today.

How Long Does Hydrocodone Stay in the System?

The time it takes hydrocodone to entirely leave the system varies from person-to-person, and depends heavily on factors like weight, age, body mass, metabolism and the amount being taken on a daily basis. Generally speaking, hydrocodone can leave the system anywhere between one day and two weeks.

Does Hydrocodone Show-Up on a Drug Test?

If you have recently stopped using hydrocodone after weeks, months or years of chronic use, you might be wondering how long hydrocodone stays in the system. How long will it take the drug to leave your body so it no longer shows up on a drug test? The answer depends heavily on how you are testing for the presence of the drug. If you are utilizing a urine test, hydrocodone can show up for between two and four days after the final use. If you are utilizing a saliva test, hydrocodone will show up for between 12 and 36 hours after the last dose was taken. Hair tests are generally the most effective, and can test for most chemical substances (including hydrocodone) for up to 90 days after the final dose. Finally, hydrocodone can be detected in the blood for up to 24 hours.

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Our Hydrocodone detoxification experience is second to none.

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How Does Hydrocodone Affect the Body?

Like all other opioid narcotics, hydrocodone use results in a range of short-term and long-term health effects. If you take a higher dose than recommended or take the medication without a written prescription, you are more susceptible to severe side effects. Misusing any prescription drug for a prolonged period of time can result in serious and permanent health conditions.

Dangers of long-term hydrocodone use and addiction

Short-term effects of hydrocodone misuse include:

  • Increased feelings of pleasure and euphoria.
  • Numbness of the extremities.
  • Feeling sluggish, sleepy or lethargic.
  • Stomach issues like nausea, vomiting and constipation.
  • Dizziness and disorientation.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Breathing problems/respiratory depression.
  • Irregular heartbeat and decreased blood pressure.

The long-term effects of habitual hydrocodone misuse include:

  • The development of a physical tolerance.
  • Physical and psychological dependence.
  • Withdrawal symptoms with abruptly ceased use.
  • Strained interpersonal relationships.
  • Financial and legal issues.
  • A decline in cognitive function.
  • The development of anxiety or depressive disorders.
  • Acetaminophen toxicity and liver damage.
  • Overdose-related death.

If you have been struggling with hydrocodone dependence, we encourage you to reach out for help sooner rather than later. Addiction is a progressive condition, meaning related symptoms continue to get worse the longer they are left untreated.

What Are the Signs & Symptoms of Hydrocodone Detox?

The signs and symptoms associated with hydrocodone detox include:

  • Flu-like symptoms which include fever, cold sweats, stomach cramping, runny nose and watery eyes.
  • Excessive yawning.
  • Insomnia and other sleep-related issues.
  • Severe anxiety and panic attacks.
  • Intense and overwhelming drug cravings.
  • Depressed mood and general feelings of malaise.
  • Severe gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Intense mood swings, often characterized by agitation and irritability.
  • Muscle aches and pains.
Physical and psychological hydrocodone withdrawal symptoms

The symptoms associated with hydrocodone withdrawal are not typically life-threatening, though they are extremely uncomfortable when left untreated — to the point of being physically unbearable. People who attempt to detox on their own are often driven back to use before the withdrawal process is over. This is why a short-stay in an Contact us center always comes recommended.

Dangers of Using Hydrocodone Frequently

The most significant danger associated with frequent hydrocodone use is the potential to develop an addiction. Once hydrocodone addiction develops, you will have an extremely difficult time quitting without some degree of Contact us. Once you develop a substance use disorder you are at risk of a host of other serious consequences, from physical health concerns and the development of new Contact us to interpersonal problems like job loss, debt and legal issues. If you have been using hydrocodone frequently and you want to learn more about potential treatment options, contact us Guardian Recovery today.

How to Tell if You Are Becoming Addicted to Hydrocodone

Because the majority of people develop hydrocodone dependencies after being prescribed the medication for a legitimate medical reason, it can be difficult to tell if you are becoming addicted. If you have been increasing your dose without doctor approval or if you have attempted to cut back or quit entirely with little to no success, you might be well on your way to developing a hydrocodone addiction. We have developed an Addiction Quiz to help you determine whether or not professional treatment has become necessary.

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Don’t let Hydrocodone addiction control your life.
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Hydrocodone Addiction Quiz

Ask yourself the following questions — if you answer “yes” to two or more, it is a good indication professional treatment has become necessary.

  • Question #1: Do you often use hydrocodone in larger amounts or over a longer period than you intended?
  • Question #2: Have you wanted to cut back on hydrocodone or made unsuccessful attempts to do so?
  • Question #3: Do you spend a great deal of time finding, using or recovering from using?
  • Question #4: Do you have strong urges or powerful cravings to use hydrocodone?
  • Question #5: Has your use of hydrocodone resulted in your inability to meet your obligations at work, home, or school?
  • Question #6: Have you had to cut back on or abandon social, professional, or recreational activities due to your use of hydrocodone?
  • Question #7: Have you repeatedly used hydrocodone when it was hazardous to do so, such as while driving a car?
  • Question #8: Have you experienced social or relationship problems due to your substance use and kept using anyway?
  • Question #9: Have you kept using hydrocodone knowing that it has caused or worsened physical or mental health issues?
  • Question #10: When you attempt to cut back on or stop your use of hydrocodone, have you experienced uncomfortable physical or mental health symptoms (withdrawal)?
  • Question #11: Have you needed more hydrocodone to feel the effects you’re seeking (tolerance)?

Treatment for Hydrocodone Addiction

If you answered “yes” to two or more of the following questions and you believe you have been struggling with a diagnosable substance use disorder, which steps should you take next? Because hydrocodone withdrawal can be extremely unpleasant when left untreated, we recommend entering into a medical detox center before transitioning into residential rehab, PHP or IOP. At Guardian Recovery we believe in the benefits of a full continuum of clinical care, which includes the following treatment stages:

To find a hydrocodone detox center near you, contact us today. If you have already undergone detoxification and you are looking to take the next appropriate step on your personal recovery journey, we are happy to point you in the right direction.

How to Find a Hydrocodone Treatment Center

Finding the right Contact us to meet all of your unique, personal needs might seem overwhelming at first, but the process is relatively simple when you know what to look for. First of all, we encourage you to determine which level of clinical care is the most appropriate. Have you already undergone opioid withdrawal in a designated detox facility? Are you able to commit to a 30-day Contact us program, or would you better benefit from an Contact us which offers more flexibility and personal freedom? Have you been simultaneously struggling with an underlying mental health concern or unresolved trauma? We are available to walk you through all pertinent questions and help you decide on a treatment program that caters to your needs. Simply contact us today to get started.

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If you or someone you love has been struggling with a hydrocodone use disorder or with an addiction to any other type of prescription painkiller, Guardian Recovery is available to help. Our medical detox program focuses on providing clients with a safe and pain-free opioid withdrawal while preparing them to take the next appropriate stage on their personal recovery journeys. We have developed an Contact us which is simple, straightforward and can be completed within minutes. As soon as you make the decision to reach out for help, we will be there. We begin by providing a brief Contact us which helps our clinical and medical team get a feel for the detox methods which will prove to be the most beneficial and effective. We then offer a free, no obligation insurance benefit check if you are currently insured through a regional provider in Tampa, Florida or a major national provider. If you are currently uninsured, we help you sort through additional coverage options, landing on the best fit for your current financial circumstances. Finally, we arrange local transportation to our Tampa, Florida detox center. Contact us today to learn more about hydrocodone detox or to get started with our straightforward admissions process.

Travis Atchison

Reviewed for accuracy by:

Travis Atchison

Travis is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Certified Addiction Professional. He has worked in various community-based settings, where he served families and couples, addressed issues related to homelessness and crisis and worked in a substance abuse setting.